The Apple CD/DVD Driver v1.0 extension is provided to AppleShare IP 6 customers. It resolves an issue with Mac OS 8.1 and PCI-based desktop computers that will not allow network installation of software from a shared CD-ROM.
The Apple CD/DVD Driver extension is a combined driver extension for CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives. It replaces the current Mac OS 8.1 installed Apple CD-ROM and Apple DVD-ROM extensions.
Note: The Apple CD/DVD Driver extension works with SCSI and ATAPI CD-ROM drives. The Apple CD/DVD Driver extension only works with ATAPI DVD-ROM drives.
To Install
Manually remove the current Apple CD-ROM and Apple DVD-ROM extensions from your active System folder's Extensions folder. Drag copy the Apple CD/DVD Driver extension into the same active System folder's Extension folder. Restart your computer.